Monday, August 23, 2010

Not going to be missed

Ok so its been a long while but this summer has been a crazy busy one. But most recently I had to have my gallbladder removed its been giving me trouble since February but my doctor had no idea what was causing all this pain that would keep me up at nights for hours. My mom kept telling me that it was probably my gallbladder but when I would tell my doctor he kept saying no I don't think its that...but when it started hurting so bad and was not going away but getting worse and I have only gotten 3hrs of sleep in the past 2 days I told Ryan I want a second oppion and so we went to the ER. When they did the ultrasound they found them 14 gallstones so I had to get admitted and wait all day to go into surgery and when I came out it hurt so bad I felt like they had left something in but then they said "oh we just haven't given you any pain pills cuz you never woke up in post-op" WTF you should have been pumping me full of pain killer when I was still out ah you better give me some soon or I am going to scream. It hurt so bad that my breathing became so shallow that they had to watch me closely and I had to stay over night. So I now have three little cuts on my upper abdomen and then one inside my belly button (I guess that's where they pull it out). But I am feeling so much better now only every once in awhile does it hurt but only one week later I was up and going to my Zumba class everyone says I'm pushing myself to hard but I just tell them hey I'm only missing my gallbladder not a leg...

1 comment:

Marriott Family said...

O- Chris, That sounds awful! Sorry I did not even know that you had that done! Hope you are feeling better! :)